Update: Arnell & Gårdfeldt

Two pastors named Lars (Arnell and Gårdfeldt), both working for the (Lutheran) Church of Sweden, were married in Canada in 2006. After returning home, they tried unsuccessfully to have their marriage recognized by the Swedish authorities; the ruling was that this was not a marriage but a civil partnership. I blogged about this at the time.
The couple argued that since their marriage was legal in Canada, it should be recognized in Sweden. Their lawsuit said that "tax authorities can make an exception for a marriage where one party is underage but not for homosexuals."
They took their case to the highest court in Sweden, which now has upheld the ruling of lower courts. In its ruling, the court said that Swedish law permits the tax department to make exceptions for people who are underage but legally married, but there currently is no law in Sweden allowing for the recognition of same-sex marriage.
The two Larses said they were disappointed in the ruling but hoped the government would soon amend the law. They will also bring the case before European Human Rights Court.
Kristen tro och homosexuell samlevnad, Visst går det att förena! (Lars Arnell's home page, in Swedish)
Uutinen: Ruotsalaiset homopapit naimisiin Kanadassa (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 23.5.06)
Nyhet: Utländskt homoäktenskap registreras inte i Sverige (Kalles kyrkliga kommentarer 28.9.06)
Präst gift i Kanada, inte gift i Sverige (Kyrkans Tidning 16.12.08)
Swedish court: Canadian gay marriage not legal (365gay 16.12.08)
Gårdfelt (sic!) förlorade äktenskapsmål (Dagen 16.12.08)
Rörd och imponerad av Gårdfeldts styrka (Antigayretorik 17.12.08)

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